
Sapienza University of Rome has become one of a selected International group of 22 universities that will compete for two years within the SDME 2018 Edition with the aim of designing and building a full-scale prototype of the best sustainable and energy self-sufficient house. The 22 university teams competing, coming from 16 different countries, were selected by an International jury in a shortlist of over 60 nominations following a rigorous technical review process that lasted more than three months.

Team Sapienza

We are a multidisciplinary University Team which is competing in the Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 edition with the objective of designing and building in two years, from October 2016 to November 2018, a full-scale prototype of the best and most attractive sustainable, zero energy and smart solar house. With our project "ReStart4Smart" we want to take on the new challenges of contemporary society that require a different way of designing, constructing, operating and in upgrading the buildings in which we live.


Team Sapienza is strongly committed to promoting sustainable development. We firmly believe in more sustainable buildings and we are constantly engaged in the promotion of an Architecture that is capable of meeting the needs of all stakeholders, present and future.